Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tough week.

I feel so bad that I haven't written anything all week! It has been a difficult week for me and I apologize. Anyway, I am going away for the weekend and hope to be back to blogging on Monday. Hope everyone is doing well.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope everyone will spend time with their loved ones today and remember how fortunate we are to have them. I am getting ready for my daughter's 5th birthday, so the day is a little different for me than most. But, I am looking forward to the party (after I get the laundry done, the cupcakes made, house picked up and take a shower).

In thinking about this blog, my plan has been to take the weekends off, but I still wanted to leave you all with some scripture to read. I am still not sure how this will go in the future, but my plan for now is to have you read on your own and then comment with any thoughts you have.

Psalm 1, Proverbs 1

Read one today and one on Sunday. Let me know what you discover in the word.

Lord, I am so blessed to have a family that I love so much! Thank you for giving me the gift of a husband who is such a truly good man. My kids, who are so sweet and loving. I am fortunate to have something that many people don't and I pray that you will never let me take that for granted. Bless Bella on her 5th birthday and help everyone to get along today.
I also ask that you be with all those who are reading this and all those who are not surrounded by loved ones today. Be their comfort today and show them that your love is big enough to fill in their emptiness. I love you, Lord. Amen.

Friday, February 13, 2009

A new addition...for now.

When I woke up this morning, I had no idea that I would be typing this blog at 10pm because of the crazy, unexpected day I had. If you would have told me that we would have another mouth to feed by evening time, I would have laughed in your face, but....

Jengo Cat joined the Aceytuno household this afternoon when we found him outside the kids' school. He seems to be homeless, but not a complete stray because he is so friendly. The kids (particularily Bella) are completely in love with him and I am finding that I am kind of smitten as well. We shall see what happens. I am not going to buy a collar until we have waited long enough to officially call him ours. The kids are shocked at how nice he is, considering their only point of reference is Nala (who is less than sweet). Be praying for our family. Seriously.

So, I was delighted when I sat down to type and found an email from my friend Gina. She referenced a blog she read that was very inspiring to her and it was to me as well. It may be cheating, but I am going to post that link and ask you all to read it. Ironically, she also references James (from my Monday post), so I am just believing this is a God thing and that He has had mercy on me once again.

Thank you so much, Lord. I am so amazed by you. If I had to deal, over and over, with someone constantly making mistakes, bad choices and letting me down, I couldn't take it. There is no one else who would have the patience that you do. God, give us rest this weekend, and time to relect on you. Open our eyes to notice new things. Help us to see your creation all around us, but to see it in a different light than ever before. Bring Jengo Cats to interrupt the monotony we so often find ourselves in... Amen.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

All Access Pass

Have you ever been to a concert? How about one where you have a backstage pass? Now, imagine you are at a concert for the best band in the entire world, and you have an unlimited, all access pass to go anywhere and everywhere you want; to visit and hang out with the band members, even to the point of developing a lasting relationship. It sure would be silly to have the pass but never use it, wouldn't it? People would think you were out of your mind!

Our relationship with God is kinda like this. When we come to Him and ask Him to guide us; when we admit that His way is best and ask Him to forgive us for our past mistakes, He gives us an all access pass to a relationship with Him. God is not just a powerful force who monitors the big things in the universe, but is too busy to bother with us little people. He is a relational God. And, best of all, He doesn't need us, but He wants us. He wants to have that close relationship with Him. He wants us to come to Him for every need.

Now, I know this goes again what I usually do, but I really want you to read the scripture in the translation I have chosen. Take a moment and make sure you are really focused on God, even though you are sitting in front of the computer. And, feel free to look these verses up in your own translations as well.

Matthew 6:6-8 (The Message)

Here's what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won't be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.
The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They're full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don't fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need.

If God knows better than us what we need, He must know us pretty well! How awesome is it that He has actually chosen to know us? I think, sometimes as Christians, we think we shouldn't bother God with everything. Instead, we go to our spouse, our friends, or anyone who will listen. How silly we are. God knows everything and He loves us more than anyone else ever could. And, He wants us to succeed even more than we do!

Lord, I am so thankful that you have given us an All Access Pass because you want us to have a relationship with you. We are not perfect, and we often make mistakes, but you still love and want us. Help us to remember to come to you for all of our needs. Help us not to forget that you are always there and always eager to speak to us (if we would only listen). And help us to walk, daily, in all that you teach us through your word. Amen.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The little things...

I am one of those people that really appreciates the little things. Don't get me wrong. I love big things too. But, I always tell people that I will do anything for a Frappucino. When I worked in retail, we would have daily sales incentives and I would be super motivated if the prize was a $5 coffee giftcard.

I think I got that from my mom. She used to love little things too. I particularily remember her fondness for individual sized condiments (like the tiny bottles of ketchup). She would have loved the tiny cell phones that are so prevalent today.

Having said all of that, I do actually have a point.

We serve a God who cares about the little things.

This morning I was awakened, from a deep sleep, by my daughter crying and coughing and trying to catch her breath. Still groggy, I tried to figure out what was wrong. She said it was that her throat hurt. I tried to calm her down, just in time for her to tell me that she felt like she had to throw up. Immediately, we headed to my bathroom just in time for her to empty the contents of her stomach into my toilet. Anyway, I realized several things through this experience. First, God had mercy on me this morning by timing this event so perfectly. You see, He knows that I really struggle with cleaning and that vomit on the carpet would have done me in for the day. Also, for some reason I had forgotten to set my alarm for school in the morning. Guess what time this all happened? The exact time my alarm would have gone off. Also, though not pleasant at the time, Bella felt better after this incident. I was able to give her some medicine to help with the fever and pain, then put her back to bed for awhile. All these are little things that He did...amidst the chaos. I do believe that God was there and that he made a bad situation tolerable.

Now for the Scripture.

Mark 4:35-41

I know that some of you may feel like your life is utter chaos. Like you are in the midst of a hurricane force storm. Just be comforted in the fact that Jesus is in control. All He has to do is speak to that storm and it will obey. Take comfort and be encouraged in that.

God, I pray for all of those who really need to know that you are bigger and more powerful than their circumstances. That you are able to go above and beyond what they can even imagine. I thank you that you are also able to reveal yourself to us in the little things that occur day to day. Open our eyes to see that you really are working in every area in our lives and that nothing is too big or too small for us to conquer when we have you. Amen.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Short and Sweet

As I have come down with the same flu that all of my kids have been battling for three weeks now, I am keeping this post short and sweet.

Continuing on with the theme from James:

James 1:5

One verse. That's it.

Wisdom. We all lack it. God has it. We just need to ask Him for it.

Pretty much every decision in our lives requires some amount of wisdom. I know I could use a little extra in the areas of being a wife, mother, friend, etc. And in finances...

So, read your one verse. No excuses. And pray for the wisdom of God to deal with your situations.

Lord, we ask that you would speak to us about wisdom. Teach us how to stop and seek your will before we act. Show us ways we can change and look at our circumstances from your perspective (an eternal point of view). I thank you that you know us so well, that you can speak in exactly the way we need to hear in order to understand. We love you, Lord. Amen.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Here we go...

Happy Monday Ya'll! :P

I decided to start at the beginning (a very good place to start). Not the beginning of the Bible, but at the beginning of my call to a deeper knowledge and relationship with Christ.

The first scripture that I memorized (thanks to Gina) was in the book of James. I decided that these three verses would be great to revisit and are certainly relevant to all of us.

James 1: 2-4

I am purposely not typing out the verse because I think it is important to step away from the computer and find a quiet place that you can sit and have a moment of prayer and meditation on what God wants to speak to you specifically through His word on this day.

Just some words to ponder... Joy! Perseverance. Enduring. Steadfastness. Faith. Complete. Whole. Without lack (ok, I know that is two words).

Lord, we invite you to spend this time with us. Help us to quiet all of the outside noise and focus only on you. We want to hear your voice and we desire to know you even more. Speak to us, Father...Amen.

I would love to hear what God reveals to you today!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Starting Monday!

Ok, so it has taken me a little longer to get organized, but I will be starting officially on Monday. I would like to get the page completed before then, but even if I don't, I will post. I can imagine this will be a work in progress for awhile, but you will all bare with me because you love me, right? ;)
See you Monday morning!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Call to Commitment

Like so many of you, my life is filled with lots of "stuff". Not that all of this "stuff" is bad, it is just that my lack of time management skills and my tendancies to get overwhelmed with life cause me to succumb to the chaos. Lately, my days have not been spent living, but merely surviving. Today it was made clear to me that God is not going to just use his magic wand of wonderfulness to touch my life and fix all that is wrong with it. He is fully capable of that, but what benefit would that be to me? He wants me to learn to fully rely on Him and to trust His voice and His plan.
The problem is that I have felt so far away from Him lately, and don't trust my ability to hear his voice. One glaringly obvious thing that has been lacking in my life is the time I spend in prayer and reading my Bible. Over the years, I have had a daily time with God, but that has not been the norm for quite some time. Feeling dry and weak, I need His refreshing and His strentgh to sustain me. And, as my Pastor said today, "Only God's Word will change you life". Wow! I sure am ready for that.
I have been given a call, which I extend to all who will accept it, to commit to a daily time with God in prayer and in His Word. All I am suggesting is that you spend a few minutes each day reading the scripture verses I post and that you be excited for all that God is going to speak to you. It is not a major time commitment and you are encouraged to read more on your own if you so desire. I just want this to be a stepping stone for everyone who has not been able to consistently spend time daily reading their Bibles. We are on this adventure together and you all will keep me accountable! I look forward to joining you each day as we share what God is speaking to us.