Friday, February 13, 2009

A new addition...for now.

When I woke up this morning, I had no idea that I would be typing this blog at 10pm because of the crazy, unexpected day I had. If you would have told me that we would have another mouth to feed by evening time, I would have laughed in your face, but....

Jengo Cat joined the Aceytuno household this afternoon when we found him outside the kids' school. He seems to be homeless, but not a complete stray because he is so friendly. The kids (particularily Bella) are completely in love with him and I am finding that I am kind of smitten as well. We shall see what happens. I am not going to buy a collar until we have waited long enough to officially call him ours. The kids are shocked at how nice he is, considering their only point of reference is Nala (who is less than sweet). Be praying for our family. Seriously.

So, I was delighted when I sat down to type and found an email from my friend Gina. She referenced a blog she read that was very inspiring to her and it was to me as well. It may be cheating, but I am going to post that link and ask you all to read it. Ironically, she also references James (from my Monday post), so I am just believing this is a God thing and that He has had mercy on me once again.

Thank you so much, Lord. I am so amazed by you. If I had to deal, over and over, with someone constantly making mistakes, bad choices and letting me down, I couldn't take it. There is no one else who would have the patience that you do. God, give us rest this weekend, and time to relect on you. Open our eyes to notice new things. Help us to see your creation all around us, but to see it in a different light than ever before. Bring Jengo Cats to interrupt the monotony we so often find ourselves in... Amen.

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