Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The little things...

I am one of those people that really appreciates the little things. Don't get me wrong. I love big things too. But, I always tell people that I will do anything for a Frappucino. When I worked in retail, we would have daily sales incentives and I would be super motivated if the prize was a $5 coffee giftcard.

I think I got that from my mom. She used to love little things too. I particularily remember her fondness for individual sized condiments (like the tiny bottles of ketchup). She would have loved the tiny cell phones that are so prevalent today.

Having said all of that, I do actually have a point.

We serve a God who cares about the little things.

This morning I was awakened, from a deep sleep, by my daughter crying and coughing and trying to catch her breath. Still groggy, I tried to figure out what was wrong. She said it was that her throat hurt. I tried to calm her down, just in time for her to tell me that she felt like she had to throw up. Immediately, we headed to my bathroom just in time for her to empty the contents of her stomach into my toilet. Anyway, I realized several things through this experience. First, God had mercy on me this morning by timing this event so perfectly. You see, He knows that I really struggle with cleaning and that vomit on the carpet would have done me in for the day. Also, for some reason I had forgotten to set my alarm for school in the morning. Guess what time this all happened? The exact time my alarm would have gone off. Also, though not pleasant at the time, Bella felt better after this incident. I was able to give her some medicine to help with the fever and pain, then put her back to bed for awhile. All these are little things that He did...amidst the chaos. I do believe that God was there and that he made a bad situation tolerable.

Now for the Scripture.

Mark 4:35-41

I know that some of you may feel like your life is utter chaos. Like you are in the midst of a hurricane force storm. Just be comforted in the fact that Jesus is in control. All He has to do is speak to that storm and it will obey. Take comfort and be encouraged in that.

God, I pray for all of those who really need to know that you are bigger and more powerful than their circumstances. That you are able to go above and beyond what they can even imagine. I thank you that you are also able to reveal yourself to us in the little things that occur day to day. Open our eyes to see that you really are working in every area in our lives and that nothing is too big or too small for us to conquer when we have you. Amen.


  1. This is really awesome. I bookmarked it so I can come read it. Funny, we talked about this same scripture, but out of Luke at Young Adults last night. We were talking about faith. It true though how much we take the little things for granted, little things like God waking us up in the morning.

    Love you Girl thanks for the insight


  2. Thank you for the link to your blog. What a blessing and an encouragement!

    God Bless,

